Health Screening Event - A Success

(L-R) Nadia, Michelle, Cervivor Patti, Jessica & Ayanna
On Saturday, April 26, 2014 the organizations LUCES and Tamika and Friends partnered with the New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center to offer breast, cervical and colon cancer screenings.

It was a cloudy and raining morning but the mission had to go forward, and forward it did.  We are pleased to report that over 20 women had their pap tests and over 50 women had their mammograms.  Yay!!!

We couldn't have ask for better numbers or maybe we can.  We hope that next time more women take advantage of this great opportunity as a preventive measure to prevent breast, cervical and colon cancer. 
We want to thank the many volunteers that helped to make this event a success and for making all the patients feel comfortable and at ease.

We also want to thank Karen Schmitt, MA,RN, Director, Cancer Services Program of Manhattan  Avon Breast Imaging, and her staff for a tremendous job.  You were all amazing!!!!

Special thanks to Dr. Jason D. Wright M.D., Director of Gynecologic Oncology at the NY Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia Medical Center, and his wonderful staff that was present at the event.  Thank you  Liat, Michelle and Letty for a awesome job. 

(L-R) Dr Wright, Michelle, Cervivor Patti, Liat & Letty

Without the above amazing people, this event would not have been the great success that it turned out to be.  The organizations  LUCES and Tamika and Friends are grateful for their work, generosity and their passion to continue to serve our community.

Michelle, CEO and Founder of L.U.C.E.S. and Patti, President of the NYC Chapter of Tamika and Friends

A Big Thank You To All!!!

Editor's Note:  I want to give my personal thanks to Dr. Jason D. Wright who is also my own gynecologist oncologist.  I could have not asked for a better doctor.  I often say I hit lotto when I was referred to him. With the help of  God he saved my life and for that I will be forever grateful.   He is not only one of the best gynecological oncologist in the country but his understanding, his compassion, his caring for all of his patients is completely admirable.  Thank you Dr. Wright, you are the best. xoxo

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